torsdag den 15. oktober 2009

Her er de så, Acne shank

I dag kom postbudet med en ualmindelig kostbar pakke - nemlig disse Acne Shank, som er intet mindre end fantastiske. Hvilket har været grunden til at jeg i denne uge har forsøgt at sælge lidt ud på trendsales, og netop har erklæret mig selv købeforbud indtil Monki og Weekday åbner. Puh, det er altså over en måned. Det eneste med de her sko er, at jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal binde dem. På trendsales ligger en annonce med de samme sko, hvor sælgeren har bundet dem rundt om anklen, men det kræver at jeg piller snørebåndene ud og sætter dem i på en anden måde, da de ellers bliver for korte. Hmmm, what to do?

10 kommentarer:

  1. hvor er de lækre og hvor er jeg misundelig! tillykke med dem - du bliver da helt sikkert lykkelig for dem :)

  2. Søde smukke pernille!
    Bind dem og dress tøjet op til råt hvis det skal være det med jeans, eller sødere med en kjole og uld strømpebukser :-)
    Ps! tusind tak fordi jeg er på din blog liste.

  3. De er meget stramme, så tror ikke engang knuden kan være indeni skoen, men de er jo lækre lige meget hvordan man binder dem. :D

    Det lyder nice, og det var da så lidt Kristian. :)

  4. Hi! Has there been any problems with your Shank shoes?
    There has been a batch, don't know how big, with a produce error so just wondering. I'd like to order these too but not sure should I if the nails are falling off or something..
    You have a great blog, we seem to buy/like all the same stuff :)

  5. Hi Anna.
    I have had some problems with the sole, haven't heard about the produce error? But with the sole, I don't know if I can explain it in English, but after the first day the sole was almost worn out, if that makes sence. But it shouldn't bee something a shoemaker can't fix for you. Although it is a bit annoying. But I have only worn them once, since I didn't want to wear them more before I got the sole fixed.

  6. Hi!
    Yeah, they have now stopped all deliveries due to this production error and I've heard from couple place that the nails are falling off and basically the whole shoe is falling apart! Scary. But of course this is only some of the shoes.. I know what you mean, it might be only because of the leather sole? Or at least with my Atacomas the same thing happened but you should anyway change it to rubber sole. But great that there's nothing bigger wrong with your pair, hopefully I will get a good pair too! :)

  7. I have just read about it. The sole is not made of leather, so I am afraid that it is the sole problem others have had. But I have heard that they are making a new delivery in November, where they have fixed all the problems there have been with the shoes, so if you buy one of those, there shouldn't be any problems. :)
