onsdag den 11. august 2010


American Apparel shirt, Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair dress used as skirt and Acne boots.

Undskyld at jeg ikke får blogget så meget, men jeg har taget en masse ekstravagter i denne uge, og når jeg ikke arbejder er der en masse andre ting. Men her er i hvert fald et billede af mit outfit fra i lørdags, hvor filmaftenen blev aflyst og jeg endte i byen i stedet.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nice outfit and nice blog!
    Do you think i should bay some Hunters or some Converse? I really miss some sneakers, cause I don't have any. But it would all so be cool witk some Hunters in the autum and winter. what do you think?
    Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much!
    If you miss som sneakers, then I think you should buy some Converse. But personally I'm not the Converse-type and even though I have a pair of Hunters I wouldn't use them only in the autum and winter. So do what you like, my opinion is irrelevant. :)
